
Hideaway Artist Talk: Life of a Craphead

Sat 30 November 2013, 8pm
The Milk Bar, 11 St Nicholas Street, Bristol, BS1 1UE
Free event

We at Residence are very excited to welcome Life of A Craphead to our second hideaway event taking place at The Milk Bar. The artist duo from Toronto, Canada, will be moving into the Residence studios for the last weekend of November and connect with arts organisations in the city. As part of the hideaway weekender, Life of a Craphead are hosting a free artist talk on Saturday 30 November at 8pm, followed by drinks and music. The presentation will draw on their recent work, including the Life of a Craphead Fifty Year Retrospective, 2006-2056, exhibited at the Art Gallery of Ontario earlier this year. Do join us, tell everyone and bring your friends!!


Life of a Craphead is the performance art group of Amy Lam and Jon McCurley since 2006. Life of a Craphead projects span a variety of contexts and disciplines, including site-specific interventions, stage performance, multiples, and video. Their practice uses humour to engage audiences in a critical investigation of contemporary culture. Projects include transporting two prisoners in a cage on the back of a truck, touring a live comedy show, giving away everything on a restaurant’s menu, and building a 3-story maze.

Life of a Craphead have presented work at The Power Plant, Toronto; Gallery TPW, Toronto; Hotel MariaKapel, Hoorn, The Netherlands; Department of Safety, Anacortes, U.S.; and the Banff Centre, Banff, as well as at numerous comedy venues and music shows in Canada and the U.S. Life of a Craphead projects are frequently collaborative and executed with other artists. Life of a Craphead live and work in Toronto, Canada.

Hideaway is a micro residency programme produced by Residence and supported by Bristol City Council through The Creative Seeds fund. The Hideaway weekender with Life of a Craphead has been realised in collaboration with Wunderbar.
